Truth: For Courage and Growth.

  • The Matriarch – Janki

    Your insecurities destroyed so many life’s and so many potentials, allow me to express them all to you!. You do not have much time to live and no way to correct the imbalances of this life given to you. Born an Orphan its already a generation curse and your failing to understand this, your next…

  • Interferences

    LIES GOSSIPS AND SLANDER only the truth will expose these people. Narcissist interferences manifesting for control and domination, Systematically sowing hate and distrust, keeping Rosh in constant anxiety and fear, often promoting the idea of Divorce and move to Manila in 2011 with my kids and then again in 2015 same attempt and now the…

  • Reactive Abuse – Entrapment

    The Narcissist is deeply insecure and one of the things which evolve from them is constant emotional abuse in an attempt to build a trauma bonding with you to keep you stuck, you are their supply, their happy life without effort and they want total control and domination over you. The main key feature of…

  • Orphan – Knows No Love

    How does one become a Narcissist! Its lack of Love. “Love is not important and even a shoe if you see it again and again you will start loving it.” These are the words Janki has used to train Rosh who in turn in her programming has never expressed love and kind words, bought me…

  • Secrets

    The very first expose of the mentality of a fraudulent person is when a woman tells another person, especially her new son in law to keep secrets from her Husband. I called her out on this move as well, telling her its wrong, this was another big argument. We got to Manila and this narcissist…

  • Lack of Morals

    The Narcissist Mother had her youngest daughter run away for love in the year 2002 as she was against the person the daughter had chosen in love and wanted to marry although he been Indian was not of the same cast and therefore the second elder daughter who was still at home was controlled to…

Help us expose lies in pursuit of the truth.